Thursday, December 11, 2008

Auras Unique as Fingerprints

Ok, so I've been externally motivated by one who calls herself my "biggest cheerleader" to start to release information about the human aura that I've been collecting for several years now.

I've been able to see auras for at least a decade and a few years back I bought an aura camera so people could see what I see. In the process, I have noticed a significant change in the human aura as the planetary energy changes. For one, the Heart Chakra has shifted from the historical color of Green to Pink on a White Field.

I have been digitally capturing auras for 2 years running. I've been hosting Live!Aura workshops so people could spend time in front of the aura camera to see their aura live. Yes, I can capture the aura digitally, live, in action. It is truly amazing when you see someone's aura change when they hold certain crystals, receive Reiki Healing, or eat certain foods.

The technology has evolved now that I can capture all 7 chakras at the same time.

I have specific guidance to explore, scientifically, how the aura responds to different healing modalities and how it behaves. I am an astrologer as well and I have a couple of hypotheses I'm testing to look at the correlation of the planetary energies (natally, progressed, and transits) and the shifting color patterns and textures of the human aura.

In this blog you will find periodically that I post an aura and give an interpretation.
I have this crazy dream one day to create an aura healing chamber. We'll see.

This image is of a full body aura displaying all 7 chakras. Notice they do not look like the typical "chakra" template we see on many posters and healing books. The chakras are energy vortices and they change color, texture, and even shape. These colors we see on a typical chakra poster are . . . just a standard template.

Right side: Receiving, Incoming Energy
Keywords: Blue equates to spirituality, strong psychic sensitivities, and ability to be a teacher. The bands indicate the various layers (etheric, astral, etc) from the body. See, even the bands are different colors. I'll get into the details in a different post. I have noticed that auras can also capture thoughtforms and energy beings actually residing in the aura and showing up on film, much like a digital camera can capture orbs. This person has a very strong spiritual nature, quite psychic in fact, and as incoming energy they will be having messages coming in from through dreams.

Left side: Releasing, Outgoing energy
Keywords: Greenish-Yellow equates to mental and physical energy changes happening at one time. Energies mix and as a result interpreting gets tricky. Often I have to ignore the photo and just look at the person's aura directly with my auric sight. The body is changing (indicated by green - physical changes) because the mind is changing (indicated by yellow). Yellow is a cerebrial color, a mind color. In Bruce Lipton's book, the Biology of Belief, the body's cells respond to external energies. This person has completed a mind/body change, being refreshed with a higher vibrational spiritual energy (right: incoming). Those external energies include the auric envelope that surrounds the body. Hence, when you can shift your mind, your body will respond. It is the mind that forms the body, not the other way around. The physical body is the last stop. Yet, western medicine focuses on the body as the first line of defense. I would love to see aura machines and aura chambers used in the medical profession. Certainly that is part of Dr. Valerie Hunt's dream ( She is a beautiful human being.